Why i left the baha’i faith ?

Sufiyan Qureshi
4 min readJul 24, 2023


19 July 2023 by religionquery.com

baha’i faith

Why i left the baha’i faith ?

Why i left the baha’i faith ? Changes in Beliefs:

Individuals may undergo personal spiritual journeys or intellectual exploration that lead them to question or change their beliefs. They may find that their evolving perspectives no longer align with the teachings or doctrines of the Bahá’í Faith.

Dissatisfaction with Community or Institutions:

Disagreements or negative experiences within the local Bahá’í community or the wider institutional structure of the faith can lead individuals to feel disconnected or disillusioned. Differences in interpretation, conflicts, or unsatisfactory interactions with fellow believers can contribute to a decision to leave.

Lack of Personal Connection:

Some individuals may not feel a strong personal connection or resonance with the teachings, practices, or rituals of the Bahá’í Faith. They may feel that their spiritual needs or aspirations are better fulfilled through other paths or philosophies.

Life Circumstances or Personal Factors:

Changes in personal circumstances, such as relocation, marriage, or other life events, can sometimes lead individuals to reassess their religious affiliation. Personal growth, introspection, or the influence of significant relationships can also play a role in shaping one’s decision to leave a particular faith.

Disagreement with Doctrine or Policies

Disagreement with specific doctrines, policies, or teachings of the Bahá’í Faith may cause individuals to question their commitment and eventually choose to disassociate themselves from the religion.

It’s important to note that leaving a religion or faith is a deeply personal and individual decision. It is a reflection of one’s personal journey, beliefs, and experiences. If you have left the Bahá’í Faith, it may be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family, or a community of like-minded individuals who can provide understanding and guidance during this transition.

Contents ( Why i left the baha’i faith ?)


The Bahá’í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded in the mid-19th century by Bahá’u’lláh, a Persian nobleman and spiritual leader. It emerged from within the Bábí movement, which sought to reform and revitalize Islam. Today, the Bahá’í Faith is a global religion that promotes principles of unity, equality, and social transformation.

Progressive Revelation and Divine Messengers:(Bahá’í Faith)

  • Belief in progressive revelation: God has sent messengers throughout history to guide humanity’s spiritual and social development.
  • Bahá’u’lláh as the latest messenger: Bahá’ís believe Bahá’u’lláh to be the most recent in this line of messengers, bringing teachings relevant to the modern world.
  • Recognition of other major religious figures: Bahá’ís honor and respect the teachings of religious leaders such as Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad.

Unity of Religion and Oneness of Humanity:

  • Unity of Religion: All major religions originate from the same divine source and share common spiritual principles.
  • Oneness of Humanity: Emphasizing the essential unity and equality of all people, transcending divisions of race, nationality, and religion.
  • Elimination of Prejudice: Advocating for the elimination of religious, racial, and gender-based prejudices to foster a harmonious global society.

Gender Equality and Empowerment:

  • Equality of Men and Women: Bahá’ís believe in the inherent equality of men and women, promoting equal rights and opportunities.
  • Role of Women in Leadership: Encouraging the active participation of women in all spheres of society, including religious and community affairs.
  • Education and Empowerment: Promoting education for girls and women as a means of empowerment and societal progress.

Social Transformation and Global Governance:

  • Just and Peaceful World: Bahá’ís envision a world united in diversity, where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means.
  • Global Governance: Advocating for the establishment of a world federation to uphold justice, eliminate extremes of wealth and poverty, and promote the well-being of all nations.
  • Social and Economic Development: Engaging in community-building activities, such as educational programs, health initiatives, and poverty alleviation projects.


The Bahá’í Faith emphasizes the unity of religion, the oneness of humanity, and the promotion of social justice and equality. It recognizes the essential unity of all religions, advocates for gender equality, and envisions a just and peaceful world. Through its teachings and community-building efforts, the Bahá’í Faith seeks to contribute to the betterment of society and the spiritual development of individuals.

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