What Religion Does Not Celebrate Birthdays

Sufiyan Qureshi
3 min readAug 8, 2023


4 August 2023 by religionquery.com

What Religion Does Not Celebrate Birthdays


What Religion Does Not Celebrate Birthdays

Birthdays, widely observed events across cultures worldwide, commemorate the anniversary of an individual’s birth and are often marked with joyous festivities that include gifts and gatherings to mark this special date. But not all religious traditions recognize birthdays with equal enthusiasm: certain beliefs or cultural practices discourage or disallow celebrating individual birthdays altogether. This essay will examine some major religious traditions that typically do not observe birthdays for various reasons and look into why.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

This Christian denomination known for door-to-door evangelism does not recognize birthdays as they see it as having pagan roots rather than religious practices. They base this decision on lack of biblical evidence supporting birthday celebrations as well as instances such as Pharaoh’s birthday in Genesis 40 being associated with negative events such as Joseph being sold into slavery (Gen 40:20–22). As a result, birthday parties for Jehovah’s Witnesses can only be considered as secular traditions rather than religious practices.


Birthday observance in Islam can be contentious and varied among different schools of thought. Some Islamic scholars discourage birthday celebrations on account of not being part of Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah or following it more strictly than creating new traditions and customs for celebrating birthdays; nonetheless some communities and cultures observe birthdays for children with more modest and low-key gatherings.

Amish and Old Order Mennonites

Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities, known for their traditional lifestyle, tend not to celebrate birthdays out of a desire to avoid individualism and pride, emphasizing instead humility, community values and the value of collective achievements and milestones over individual milestones or achievements. Instead, communal events or religious holidays tend to take precedence when commemorating birthdays.


As a diverse and wide-ranging tradition, Buddhism does not follow one set of birthday celebrations guidelines. Some practitioners and schools may commemorate the birthday of Buddha on Vesak (Buddha Purnima or Buddha Day), while celebrating individual birthdays may not be an accepted part of mainstream Buddhism due to teachings on impermanence and nonattachment to self which leads some adherents to downplay the significance of specific birthdates.

Some Orthodox Christian Churches:

Within some branches of Orthodox Christianity, such as the Greek Orthodox Church, birthday celebration was not traditionally an important aspect. Instead, religious feasts, saints’ days, and major religious events took precedence in terms of significance for celebration. Over time this attitude has changed — many Orthodox Christians now celebrate birthdays similarly to other Christian denominations — but their celebration remains tied directly to faith-based celebrations.

Baha’i Faith

The Baha’i Faith, an emerging monotheistic faith, does not observe individual birthdays specifically. Rather, their calendar consists of nineteen months with nineteen-day cycles and each month ends with “Ayyam-i-Ha,” an event dedicated to gift-giving and charity that also marks unity and fellowship before their fast begins each month — this can be seen as a time for joyful gatherings rather than birthday celebrations themselves.

What Religion Does Not Celebrate Birthdays ? Conclusion

While birthdays are widely celebrated across many cultures and religions, some religious traditions do not emphasize or endorse individual birthday celebrations for various reasons ranging from staying true to scripture or placing more importance on community milestones than individual ones; understanding these differing perspectives broadens our appreciation of our globalized society’s diversity of religious beliefs and practices.

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