Can You Read Quran Without Wudu

Sufiyan Qureshi
3 min readAug 3, 2023


30 July 2023 by

Can You Read Quran Without Wudu


Can You Read Quran Without Wudu ?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam and revered text among Muslims worldwide. Believed to be God’s revealed words over an estimated 23-year span through Prophet Muhammad, its reading and recitation hold immense spiritual importance for Muslim worshipers worldwide, with certain etiquettes and guidelines observed when engaging with its text. One question often raised among Muslim communities regarding whether reading without performing ritual cleansing (wudu/ablution) before acts of worship is permissible — this article explores this topic by exploring different perspectives on this question among various Muslim viewpoints regarding reading without performing ritual cleansing before acts of worship performed before engaging with this book of faith.

Wudu in Islam

Wudu (also spelled Wudou in Arabic) is an Islamic ritual purification practiced before certain acts of worship such as prayers, handling the Quran or engaging in specific religious rites. Wudu involves washing certain body parts — such as hands, face, arms and feet — while performing symbolic rinsing of mouth and nose as a symbolic means to symbolize physical and spiritual purity when approaching God through prayer or during Quranic recitation. Wudu serves an essential function before any form of religious action that involves physical or spiritual interaction with Him when praying or reading from Quranic text or when handling its verses aloud aloud in Quranic.

Reading the Quran Without Wudu: Varied Opinions

Islamic scholars have long debated whether one can read the Quran without performing wudu (ablution). While some believe wudu is necessary for touching or reciting from it, other maintain a more flexible outlook based on hadiths (sayings and actions of Muhammad) and interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence.

Requirement of Wudu for Quran Recitation:

Some scholars assert that wudu is necessary before engaging with or reciting from the Quran, drawing from various hadiths which emphasize its necessity (for instance Uthman ibn Affan’s famous hadith: “No one should touch the Quran except those who are pure” is often cited as evidence in support of this requirement).

Permissibility of Reciting Without Wudu: Some Islamic scholars hold that wudu is not an absolute requirement for reading the Quran. Based on certain hadiths that refer to wudu as being performed out of respect for and cleanliness for its reading, some Islamic scholars argue that being in a state of minor impurity, such as after using the restroom or experiencing minor illness does not preclude one from reading the Quran.

Prophetic Example:

Muhammad himself would often perform wudu before reading from the Quran as an act of reverence and respect for this divine text. While he encouraged its performance, there have been instances when he allowed people without performing wudu to recite portions of it for learning purposes or knowledge gain.

Can You Read Quran Without Wudu ? Conclusion

Opinions among Islamic scholars vary on whether reading the Quran without performing wudu is permissible. While some believe wudu should be mandatory before engaging with it, others maintain it isn’t an absolute requirement if one seeks knowledge and learning from it. Many Muslims choose to perform a ritual purification ritual before reading from it as an act of respect and reverence for this divine scripture.

At its core, reading the Quran and maintaining an intimate relationship with God are two critical components in how Muslims view this matter. No matter whether one chooses to perform wudu before reading or not, its primary goal should be forging an in-depth relationship between reader and sacred text and reflecting upon its profound messages of spirituality and morality. Muslims view the Quran not simply as an ancient book to recite but a spiritual guide that shapes lives by inspiring closeness to God while living lives full of virtue.

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